Saturday, June 23, 2007

Do Herpes And Wart Look Alike

mercenary life in the Thirty Years War

In the church records of Schöneck found much evidence of the events that befell the Thirty Years War on the inhabitants. Sun 1628 Ernst Christoph Spranger was on his way to Graslitz shot by soldiers and robbed, the appropriate parish register entry is:

The Ernst Christoph Spranger a kramer in Marck, which in waldtt na Greßlas of .3. Soldiers angegroffen Feinstein saved, were shot, and after that the exercise of torn neck, v. endtloffen it.

After Johann Georg I of Saxony closed 1631 with the Swedes an alliance, the troops marched Wallenstein in Saxony. The Vogtland it was hit particularly hard, Adorf, were Oelsnitz, Mark Neukirchen and Schöneck taken and destroyed in whole or in part. The woodsman George Geyer reported that on 13 June 1632 at 9 clock in the morning about 60-80 riders appeared before the town, whereupon they opposed the poorly armed defenders. Already in the first assault penetrated the attackers into the town and put them on fire, the fugitives were "pre-cut, shot the same number, like it was created then some Schoenecker, then stayed there, dead, some were fatally wounded in the lurch" [1]. The church records called for these days:

14th The Dole of a Wagnerian Hans Reichenbach, next to an other so the 13 of June, were shot
15th Thomas Goetz, both here in Girg Schum Marck next Girg Bon Elster mountain and Girg Händell Jung von Reichenbach, all were shot
16th One of the neighbors Waldkirchen myself buried.
18th Simon was Harsscher of Meschwitz Sun the 13 of June of keisserischen troops also shot dead

Overall, eight people in the church book thus mentioned, who died in these days, but only two Schoenecker. While

is given about the history of cities and important personalities comparatively much material, the lives of the soldiers involved, for the most part remains in the dark. The few who survived and returned to their homeland left behind, usually nothing that could give information about their experiences. As soldiers, called the church book:

1636 Hanss Schmidt Adorf:
anitzo a soldier Vntter the lord. S: multitude, even Vntter the H sheriff Horn

1670 Zachary Schrader, formerly sergeant in the war, itzo citizens Buttelstedt (Thuringia)

Even before the entry into the war in Saxony is mentioned: son
Veit sleeve, the long Hansen sleeve Eschenbach to his 21 ½ years of age, an evil muttwilliger bub of youngsters to have been sick of war cometh victim because he must also pay

an interesting insight into the life of a mercenary in the Thirty Years War, the diary of Peter Hagendorf . It has been preserved almost completely and talks about his experiences during the 1624 - 1629th There is very commendable thesis about it here to download an interview with Prof. Dr. Jan Peters in mp3 format can be nachgehört here. The ZDF has produced over Hagendorf the documentary "With God's blessing to hell", the book is appropriate here available.

Addendum: GEO EPOCH has the book "A mercenary life in the Thirty Years War" by Jan Peters (ed.) published a book presentation and made interesting reading samples to download (after scroll down). Who wants to read once in the diary of Peter Hagen village to try without the inter-library loan, now has the opportunity.

[1] Zill, Günter: The former castle rule Schöneck, 1999, p. 147

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Automated Watering Systems Rabbits

book launch

Kurt Kauert - Vogtländische-west Bohemian violin-making in five centuries
The Thirty Years War not only brought death and destruction to the Vogtland region, but also the influx of exiles from the Habsburg areas. Particular importance to the Vogtland while the location of Bohemian Violin makers in Mark Neukirchen and Klingenthal where the violins came in the next 150 years to flower and the highest earning the area the "title" music angle.

Kurt Kauert created on that an entertaining overview of work that represents all the major aspects of the formation and development of violin-making in the region and still not lacks the necessary depth. I will explain the Vogtland during the Thirty Years War, the violin in the near Bohemia, the development and decline of the guilds, and much more. Who wants to dive deeper into the matter, which are the two volumes "Vogtländischer violin. Biographical information and statements from Zoebisch (or up) 1850 "by Bernhard recommended that any violin maker of meticulously could be found to describe.

refers to the subject is also an interesting article on Wikipedia which, however, has the geographical focus Klingenthal.